Monday, February 7, 2011

Poster first draft

Production meeting notes

Location photographs

Call sheets


Shooting schedule

Script breakdown



Script final draft

Audience research

Character breakdown

Script 1st draft

First scene list


Establish how parents are angry at their daughter -confiscate phone and grounded for this weekend, takes down friend number before gives her dad her phone.


Parents go to the opera ' not contactable for couple of hours' girl is home alone. First suspicious shot from outside watching into the house as car drives off. 'Handheld shot someone watching into the house'.


Girl calls friend to get her friend her (from a landline 'friend makes comments about using a landline'). Suspicious hand held shots watching in on her as she walks around the house. Goes to make popcorn (either in a microwave or a sauce pan) goes to put a movie on, getting ready for when her friend arrives. Walks away (phone rings again) its her friend. (Phone rings again) it’s her friend. (Phone rings again) unknown caller. In this phone call- 'wants to speak to a Mrs. or Mr./ tells the caller neither are at home, puts phone down.


Doors bell rings no ones there, standing lookingout phone call goes again shuts the door to answer the next call. Unknown caller again- gets a bit suspicious tells him how she has a friend coming over, he makes inappropriate remarks (slumber party). Walks around the house to make sure all the doors are locked. Phone rings again. This time the conversation is a 'guessing games' that each other are. Gets flirty but leads into a creep conversation (the unknown caller knowing what she looks like) as conversation goes on he tells her how he knows what she’s wearing- conversation gets deeper and he gets more aggressive to a peak where she puts the phone down. Doorbell now rings (contemplates whether to open it or not)


Phone rings again 'are you seriously not going to let her in' .the teenage girl is very scared now- looks through the window, opens the door to her friend. Her girlfriend is standing in front of her crying which blood pouring out from her stomach. She falls to the ground screaming, until another friend pops out holding a phone and a speaker voice 'scared of a little ketchup'.


Realizes her friends have made a practical joke on her, but then the phone rings again.


Notes on short film


The main aim of my project of making a 5 minute film is to captivate the audiences full attention and drag them into my narrative and story line. It's not just about having a good narrative, but also about the way it is filmed and the camera techniques that are used.

Seeing as I am doing a horror movie, instead of having steady cams the whole time, i want to have a shaky camera in alot of it to emphasise the fact that someone is looking into the girls house from their point of view and it makes it seem more dark and horrific and also is more realistic to the audience and interesting to watch.

I also want to include many long shots of the house that the girl is in from outside of it to make the audience question whats going to happen inside the house. close up shots are vital in this film, for example when the girl hears a knock at the door, there will be quick cuts and close ups of the girl shutting all the windows and locking all the doors abruptly to show her fear.

Here are some of the ways which audiences can be defined:

My short film is aimed at the 16-20 year olds as my audience of both sexes.

An idea for my short film 3-5 minutes

Many script writers and film producers base their narrative and story line on past experiences and things which they fear. i have joined up with my friend domi who shares the same fear as me in the sense that i am frightened of someone watching me without me knowing. whenever i return home from being somewhere alone, there is always a fear of not knowing if someone is in my house or not.

The movie which grabbed my attention in particular was 'Scream'. i have decided to do a horror movie this year as it gives me an opportunity to explore a different genre to last year which was a teen drama. i always get a thrill out of watching horror movies and thrillers and my main focus is to create the same atmosphere and feel to my film that i get when watching certain horror movies by other film makers.

I'm going to base it on a teenage girl whos parents leave her home alone, while she waits for her friend to come round she receives unknown calls from someone who is watching her from outside her house.

Short Film Analysis: three

Short Film Analysis: two

Short Film Analysis: one

Embed a short film you have seen and analyse it in terms of the following elements:
-What attracted you to this film?

3 Favourite Directors

Who are your three favourite directors and what do you like about their films? Which is your favourite film of each? Support with images or videos.




Film Language

- An auteur is a filmmaker who has a personal style and keeps creative control over his or her works.

- Cinéma vérité is a style of documentary filmmaking, combining naturalistic techniques with stylized cinematic devices of editing and camerawork, staged set-ups, and the use of the camera to provoke subjects. It is also known for taking a provocative stance toward its topics.

- Avant garde film is experimental film or experimental cinema describes a range of filmmaking styles that are generally quite different from, and often opposed to, the practices of mainstream commercial and documentary filmmaking.

- Film noir is a cinematic term used primarily to describe stylish Hollywood crime dramas, particularly those that emphasize cynical attitudes and sexual motivations. Hollywood's classic film noir period is generally regarded as stretching from the early 1940s to the late 1950s.

- French new wave is a group of film makers in the 1940's and 50's that presented the idea of distruction of culture, depicting political upheavels and the like in their short films.

What is a short film?


Short stories can be found not only in film but also in magazines, newspapers etc. Especially magazines such as cosmopolitan include fictional stories in them for entertainment.
Short films are more popular than ever before. Many countries now have a regular short film program on television, shorts appear in almost every major international film festival and hundreds of festivals specifically dedicated to short films are appearing all around the world.

What is a short film?
The ISFC defines a short film to be any film or video production under sixty minutes of length.

Who makes short films?
The short film genre is as old as the art of Cinematography itself, and yet it attracts a young and enthusiastic audience at the forefront of the film industry. These are people who appreciate the fundamental qualities of the short film: brief, dynamic and exciting.
Although for many the short film is a training ground for feature filmmaking, shorts are not merely the domain for students. Many professional film-makers continue to make short films throughout their career: Hal Hartley, Mike Leigh, Aki Kaurismäki, Jan Troell to name but a few.
Shorts are the most accessible form of cinematic storytelling: they can be made on any gauge of film or video and they are by their very nature, free from the commercial constraints of feature films.