Monday, February 7, 2011


The main aim of my project of making a 5 minute film is to captivate the audiences full attention and drag them into my narrative and story line. It's not just about having a good narrative, but also about the way it is filmed and the camera techniques that are used.

Seeing as I am doing a horror movie, instead of having steady cams the whole time, i want to have a shaky camera in alot of it to emphasise the fact that someone is looking into the girls house from their point of view and it makes it seem more dark and horrific and also is more realistic to the audience and interesting to watch.

I also want to include many long shots of the house that the girl is in from outside of it to make the audience question whats going to happen inside the house. close up shots are vital in this film, for example when the girl hears a knock at the door, there will be quick cuts and close ups of the girl shutting all the windows and locking all the doors abruptly to show her fear.

Here are some of the ways which audiences can be defined:

My short film is aimed at the 16-20 year olds as my audience of both sexes.

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